Presented by KC Henna Supply

Presented by KC Henna Supply

Monday, December 19, 2011

Turning this holiday onto the ON position!

We should have a post later today or tomarrow from Kimberly on how she applies henna to a glass ball...

But for now, another quicky.

I have been crafting like a mad woman to finish up the holiday's goodies.

It is the season of giving, so give from the heart. Craft something for your loved ones! Make some cookies, brownies, hot chocolate or chai mix. Help your kids make your parents make an obnoxious ornament for the tree.

My mother helped my son make a picture ornament from a foam tray ( those ugly sea green ones meat comes on.) Damn thing has hung on my tree ever since he proudly gave it to me 6 years ago. Lol

(Now I have to aquire a meat tray so we can make our daughter one!)

The perfect crafts you slave over to make pristene never last, it is the awful uglies and fails that stick around and make us chuckle! Memories are made from imperfections.

Henna is an art of imperfections. Not every swirl is perfectly shaped, some peacocks turn out looking like deformed cucumbers... it is all part of henna's earthly charm.


My tree is adorned with beautiful henna ornaments.... And the plastic spoons my mother put ornament hangers on as placesettings several years ago. And pine tree shaped air freshners because my dad would hide them in our fake tree to make it smell good. ( thanks to my sister for reminding me.) A bunch of toys from Kinder Eggs.... And my son's face on a meat tray...

My imperfect eclectic tree will never be in Better Homes & Gardens... but to me, it's the best damn tree ever!  

So, find some new traditions. Go make some stuff.  Hide something ugly in a perfect tree! ( hmmmmm there is an evil idea... Making ugly ornaments and hiding them in perfect professionally decorated trees... Ohhhhhhh must remember this for next year!)

Anyhow... Enjoy the season with your friends and family. :) Happy holidays :) 

Hopefully the snow will hold off so I can get to the library to upload Kim's blog post.

But first; nap for baby then to the city to see redneck Santa at Bass Pro.

I appologize for all of the misspellings... No spellcheck on my phone lol.

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